Maagic Collins
Apr 16, 2020


This morning’s walk with my mask on.

I listen to birds who flew around with free voices.

No metal wires to stunt their growth like braces on perfectly crooked teeth.

Some birds sing behind mental wires with glimpses of hope.

If he sings loud and powerfully enough, the wires will bend just enough.

Free to fly seeking cages to destroy.

I know why this caged bird sings.

Rest you powerfully graceful woman.

Your words never stop resonating with me.

The woman that held my hand in chaos.

Eased my confused, angry mind.

Looked into my troubled heart.

…and smiled at my pure soul.

A moment that helped save a little black boy.

To the poet Maya Angelou.



Maagic Collins

About Maagic Collins, he is a creative artist, mental health and civil rights advocate. Exploring mental health, history, current events, politics.